For very good descriptions and photos of these, visit the african violet society of america at and click on violets 101. The serrated african violet leaf type is sharply toothed with a pointed leaf tip. For more information on african violets, visit the website for the african violet society of america at. In reality, these are all saintpaulias, but from there it becomes a tangled mass of confusion. Sep 11, 2017 african violets leaf propagation donts. Rosette african violet plants and trailing african violet plants. Thin, dark green leaves with long petioles or a reduction in flowering are an indication of inadequate light. There are some basic growing instructions in the magazine article back to basics which would be a great place to start. Learn about african violets african violet society of. Two types have the leaf margins modified to form folds. National geographic author andrew evans has written an eyeopening look at the delicate state of african violets in their native habitat, where unscrupulous gatherers are plucking rare species from the jungle to sell to collectors. Often leaves will have varying mixtures of these basic shapes, textures and edge types. In addition, too much sunlight can cause the leaves to curl down and may turn variegated leaves entirely green.
Most of them prefer to grow in welldrained soil, and they prefer light that is filtered a bit, which means that they prefer the shade of growing indoors instead of growing in the sun. These plants need little attention, prefer to be potbound and bloom profusely its no. If you are interested in growing african violets, you will find that there are a number of different varieties that are easy to grow. They discussed the various types of african violets, how to repot a plant with a neck, and how to propagate from leaves. While finding african violet seeds can be tricky, whats trickier is getting them to germinate properly.
The african violet types can also be differentiated using the color of the flowers as well as the variegation on the leaves. The violets are shipped at different stages of their blooming cycle, so they can have only buds to almost finished blooming. The avsa photo gallery is a collection of hundreds of african violet photos submitted by our members. Garden guides ideas for lighting for african violets. This plant forms a shrubby, spreading mound to six inches high and two feet wide and performs well in a hanging basket. African violet house plant care pictures saintpaulia. The standard african violet varieties are between 816 inches wide, while the large african violet types are more than 16 inches wide.
African violets come in a spectacular variety of leaf types, flower shapes, colors and sizes. Botrytis blight in african violets is a fungal disease that causes the leaves to appear blighted. The members of saintpaulia are small perennial herbs with thick, hairy, ovate leaves. Some african violet foliage types have variations from the normal, rounded. Native to higher elevations in tropical eastern africa, african violets are widely grown horticulturally, especially s. Learn about african violets african violet society of america. African violet leaves and seeds for sale african violets. Typically the african violet is a common household indoor plant but can also be an outdoor plant. Growing african violets from seed is rare and most commercially available plants are produced from cuttings and tissue culture. African violets can be grown from seed, leaf cuttings, or division. The photos are here for your enjoyment, and to show the exciting diversity that african violets have in color, color patterns, and leaves. While the african violet may be native to tanzania, it has become a common household plant across the world. Ordinarily, african violets have a smooth, uniform texture. What are the different leaf types of african violet plants.
Shop great deals on saintpaulia african violet houseplants. There over 6,000 types of african violet, so many that some violet enthusiasts make a hobby out of collecting different varieties. Aside from the types and colors of flowers or size of the plant itself, african violet leaves can be what helps to differentiate or distinguish one type of seemingly identical plant from another. Propagating african violets from leaf cuttings is the most popular method because its so easy and successful. You can be the proud gardenfather of my new african violet babies. When we put this list together, we tried to focus on the positive for a variety of african violet pots. Saintpaulia, commonly known as african violet, is a genus of 620 species of herbaceous perennial flowering plants in the family gesneriaceae, native to tanzania and adjacent southeastern kenya in eastern tropical africa. It has escaped cultivation in many locales, because it is popularly planted for its fragrance. African violet photos images archive african violets saintpaulia african violets, african violet, african violet, violet, violet,catalog,saintpaulia,ionantha,house plants,flowers,chimera,chimera,plants,plants,soil,fertilizer,pesticide, violet growing tips, violet growing tips,avsa,avsa. How to separate and pot african violet babies kevin lee jacobs. Dust violet leaves regularly by using a small brush.
Remove a fresh leaf from the plant that you wish to propagate. While african violets will tolerate direct sunlight very early or very late in the day, they should, in all other. Those who are new to the african violet world might assume that the plants features are restricted to the blue flowers and plain green leaves of the species. African violet leafid, violet leaf problem, orchids, houseplants. Violets edible and medicinal uses chestnut school of. Some african violet foliage types have variations from the normal, rounded, plainedged leaves of the original species. How to fix a droopy african violet home guides sf gate. African violet pots from the perfect violet pot selfwatering handmade ceramics make perfect gifts for indoor gardens. These lovely plants, with colors ranging from lilac to deep violet, are most often grown in pots. Leaf type search for optimara violets by leaf type. Get outdoors for some landscaping or spruce up your garden.
The spooned african violet leaf type has the leaf edges rolled up around the edges so the leaf looks like the bowl of a spoon. See more ideas about violet plant, african and plants. Using a sterile knife or scissors, remove a healthy leaf along with its stem from the base of the plant. Native to eastern tropical africa, the african violet gets its common name from the superficial similarities it has to true violets or violas. If youre learning how to care for african violet plants. There are around 400 types of violet plants in the genus viola. True violets have been cultivated since at least 500 b. The best method to propagate african violets gardeners path. Even inexperienced growers can quickly produce additional plants and expand their collection. Youll find lots of information about caring for them at the african violet society of america. Plain girl lon ifolia surface textures glossy ovate holl hairy round s ooned pointed heart sha ed clackamus bustlebacke quilted pebbled.
If you still want more information, the african violet society of america has some excellent books as well as educational cds and dvds in the store, reached by selecting the store tab in the menu bar above. African violet plants different foliage leaf variegation types. How to propagate african violet from single leaf with update. Leaf margin is the boundary area along the edge of the leaf. After one hundred years of cultivation, modern african violets are found in a variety of flower types and leaf types. African violets are prone to some common insects and diseases. The symptoms of this leaf problem are dark brown or gray colored leaves with a fuzzy coating. Identify african violet varieties the optimara field guide allows you to find and identify optimara and rhapsodie violets using a number of search criteria. Feb 24, 2009 african violets are available in a wide range of colors and types. Their uses were more than ornamental, with flavoring and medicinal applications high on. Those who are new to the african violet world might assume that the plants features are restricted to the blue flowers and plain green leaves of the species plants and their mothers and grandmothers plants.
Ph problems normally a ph problem will show itself over more than just one leaf, so if just one leaf shows the problem its not a ph problem, normally. An introductory guide to the wild world of african violets. Feb 06, 20 we have been successfully selling our own dwarf african violet plants through our website uk for some time now. African violets can be divided in two main categories depending upon their type. In fact, the response weve had has been so good that we have decided to branch out no pun intended, honest to selling leaves for some of our popular plants such as magentica shown. In other varieties, leaf margins have uneven edges. How to propagate african violets from leaf cuttings, seed and.
False african violet streptocarpella is from east africa. African violets are also classified by leaf shape or type. African violets are one of americas most popular houseplants. These plants have leaves which grow outwards from the center stalk in a layered radialcircular pattern. They are also known as dentate or fringed leaf types. Too much light, set your timer for less time, andor move your plant further away from light source. African violet leaf and blossom types, leaf shapes, leaf variegation, bloom types. Dec 10, 2018 african violets saintpaulia ionantha bring a splash of color into all kinds of small indoor spaces. Mas crime scene love the spoon leaves but hate the name.
Historythe history of african violets dates back to the late 18th century. Growing african violets horticulture and home pest news. Apr, 2020 african violet leaves can be divided into different leaf types, depending upon the feature of the leaf margin. The standard type usually grows to around 8in 16in diameter or possibly more, and displays most of the colors types that african violets can bloom. Flower color varies from blue to violet, lavender, pink, red violet, blue violet, lavenderpink and white. Leaf stems in contact with clay pots may be killed by accumulated salts on the pot. Then, put your plants in a warm, humid spot that gets lots of indirect sunlight. African violet, genus saintpaulia, any of the six species of flowering plants in the genus saintpaulia family gesneriaceae. African violet pests and diseases spread very easily among other violets.
These leaves have a sawtoothed margin or serrated margin. They feed on the new, center growth of plants, so look there for stunting and damage. The african violet is a popular houseplant with blossoms that come in many shapes, sizes and colors. They can also put out sucker shoots on their own especially the chimera varieties, but most are done from seed, cuttings, or division. African violets saintpaulia ionantha bring a splash of color into all kinds of small indoor spaces. Another great leaf and bloom type page with photos. Weve received a few requests for information on violet parts, terms and types, so we created this short reference booklet.
The mites that invade african violets are too small to see. Optimara field identification guide identify african violet varieties the optimara field guide allows you to find and identify optimara and rhapsodie violets using a number of search criteria. African violets perform best when they receive a lot of indirect sunlight. The optimal time for repotting is after some leaves have wilted a bit. Here is what to do when you receive your new african violet plugs.
They are also known as standard or boy type leaves. What are the different types of african violet plants. When you plant your violets, use a welldraining soil thats slightly acidic and choose small pots. African violets leaves can be divided into different leaf types, depending upon the feature of the leaf margin. Curling african violet leaves may also be caused by an infestation of mites, although cold is the more likely problem. Dust can clog up the pores of the leaves and make it difficult for the leaves to function.
African violets have many different flower shapes, including singles, stars 5 petals in a star shape, doubles, semidoubles, ruffled doubles, ruffled stars, and wasps 5 petals, with the upper two slightly curled back. I will wait a few more weeks, then will separate, pot and give to responsible family friends. There are actually thousands of hybrids with various flower colorsforms and leaf types available. Its best to use a mature leaf, but not one thats old and tough. Treat an african violet with botrytis blight by removing all dead and infected leaves and move the plant to an area with good air circulation. Much of the information here in violets 101 was originally published in the african violet magazine.
Houseplants for better sleep african violet barn african violet mas crime scene all violets propagated by the violet barn located near naples in new york. Most standard african violets, grown as a houseplant, will require a 45. African violet leaf and petal varieties reeds greenhouse. The gallery is fully indexed alphabetically and each thumbnail is clickable for a larger view. Mar 26, 2020 to grow african violets, start them from seed or plant a leaf from a mature african violet. You would want to be careful with water accumulation in this spoon as well. They are also available in a wide range of flower colors, leaf types, and growth habits trailing, miniature, standard, etc. Under the right growing conditions, they are able to bloom almost continuously indoors. Lyon, hybridizer, is a miniature trailer with single flowers. You may choose from several hundred varieties depending upon the flower color, form and plant characteristics you prefer. Violets that are exotic, original, unusual or antique. From december, the 6 leaf cuttings produced clusters of babies as you said. Perfect for anyone new to violets and handy for those whove grown for years. Plants can be divided into smaller daughter plants or even grown from leaf cuttings.
For minis and semiminis, us a pot no larger than 2 12. Join avsa to receive the magazine with much more indepth information. African violets are very easily propagated from leaf. African violets plant african violet specialty varieties. The african violet is a dayneutral plant regarding flower development. Petal varieties single, semidouble, double, frilled. African violets for sale, african violet photos, african. Much of the american use of violets stems from the european herbal tradition.
So long as a few basic conditions are met, saintpaulia is an amiable houseplant. The sweet violet viola odorata, violaceae is the principal medicinal and culinary species used in europe. At the core of the wide popularity and success of the african violet is the dramatic variety of the plants, in terms of both flowers and foliage. Saintpaulia african violet houseplants for sale in stock. Follow the links on that page to insects and diseases, as well as other useful tips on caring for your african violet. African violets dont necessarily thrive in one pot over another like other house plants do.
Most african violets look best with no more than 5 rows of leaves. In this gallery, i have listed 20 different varieties that you can grow in. Paul sorano appeared in a segment on the martha stewart show on tuesday, february 7, 2012, representing lyndon lyon greenhouses. Plants should be shifted to larger pots as they grow, but keeping african violets slightly rootbound can encourage them to bloom. The many violet plant varieties guarantee there is a sweet little viola perfect for almost any gardening need. Great leaf type page with photos click african violet leaf types towards the bottom of that page. African violet cabbage patch 2 leaves 1 cent with order. Types of violet plants learn about violet plant varieties.
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